First Birthday: a Spring lunch

A big hooray for the best birthday boy who turned 1 last week. I can't even believe he is 1. We can't imagine life without him. He's so snuggly and easy-going. He's happiest outside. He loves his brother and family to bits and pieces and we all feel the same way about him. Good growin' young man. Happy first.

To celebrate, we had a little birthday lunch and invited my parents and my brother. It was very sweet & simple. I made pasta with pesto and grilled goat cheese sandwiches over fresh spinach (my two favorites). My step dad brought homemade hummus and guacamole and I made a pumpkin pie for dessert.

My older son did all of the stationery... The invitations are on bookboard leftover from a wedding I worked on years ago. My son wrote the baby's name on all the invites. He also made one for "Blast Off," the baby's unofficial nickname (it's what our older son wanted to name the baby). He also made place cards using washi tape on the wood animal puzzle by petit collage, and a pie banner (made from washi tape and toothpicks). It was so fun to have his help and he felt like such a big kid being included. 

I didn't have time to do much beforehand, but my family was happy to help with moving furniture outside and hanging my string of balloons. They even waited patiently while I snapped a few photos. 

Cute party hats by Oh Joy! for Target

I was able to take one photo before we ate. And the baby is showing off how he skillfully climbs right out of his high chair.

Crown on the climber is by tin cup.

a few new gifts... this is a great wooden race track from my dad. 

Landscaping Progress

Holy smokes- it's been three months since I've posted! Are y'all still there? With our on-going landscape project, a 4 year old, and our new baby, life is full right now. My nights aren't my own like they used to be before our new little baby-kins arrived. But I have a moment now to sit down and share some landscaping goodness. Since we purchased the house in the fall of 2011, we've mostly been working on renovating the inside of the house. We've done all the work ourselves (and by we, I mean my amazing husband, Chris. We sometimes get helping hands like my brother and dad, as well as Chris's dad and step-mom). I haven't posted much on the progress inside because I feel like I won't be ready to share until it's more complete... or at least until we're unpacked ;) If you want more, click on the Eichler tag at the bottom of the post. As for the yard renovations, we knew that my mom would do a stand-up job!! Northern California is all about outdoor living and Eichler home are the epitome of this concept! We'll have 2 dining areas, an outdoor kitchen, a lounging area (rocking chair & chaise), a play structure, and lots of awesome plants! 

We started measuring just over a year ago (thank you, Instagram photo, for helping keep our timeline straight). Below are some progress photos of our landscaping. I've posted a few before shots on Instagram (here and here). And early progress (here, here, and here. And I do love this photo of our Monterey Pine that Sumaiyya (thought foundrie) posted on her Instagram. Yowsers- what would this post be without Instagram!???

so, I'll give you a little tour! First photo, we have a new fence! You won't believe what a joy it's been to have a fence up again after months without a fence (and glass walls/windows!!!). It's black and so awesome! Our giant Monterey Pine was taken down, all 70+ feet of it (have you ever seen a 70 foot tree trunk with a chainsaw at the top?)


This is the inside courtyard. That pipe is for the future fire pit! And I got those Salterini knock-off chairs today (craigslist). Like all good things that pass through my hands, they'll be painted turquoise. Thank you, Chris, for *kind of* agreeing to let me paint them turquoise!


The back yard. Really the only thing that's the same is the lemon tree. I don't have a great before shot of this area, but this will have to do. It was basically all old deck, weeds, and dog poop (check out this one -the photo isn't of dog poop, I promise). There will be a lounging area under the lemon tree. A bamboo forest for the boys (dear neighbors, it will be carefully planted), some grass, and a sweet path way that goes all the way around (for bikes and other kid-vehicles). There will be a dining table on the concrete in the foreground and a play structure behind where I'm standing. 


The front walkway has nice steps with rocks (mexican beach pebbles). The house is going to be a dark grey with grey beams and trim


Front courtyard (future fire pit is off to the left). Orange tree is moderately intact from the beating it took from the pine tree. 


We picked up some kick-ass plants from my super favorite nursery: Flora Grubb in San Francisco! This is an aloe tree and I'm so excited about it! This is what it'll look like when it's all grown up. Here is a pic of the other plants I got at Flora Grubb.


SOOOOO, what do you think?!?! What's your favorite part about YOUR yard? 

Some days I feel like this project will never end, but I know it will. And in the meantime, we're just trying to enjoy it as it is right now. 

Shopping List :: Our New Bedroom

On a recent trip to cb2, I fell right in love with this amazing chair. It was as if they made it just for me!! It's chartreuse velvet and a natural/stone colored linen. This chair is the starting point for our bedroom. Mix that with the desire for something calm and not super crazy with color (per my husband's request). 

The floors will be a dark hardwood (woven bamboo) and the ceiling will white (Eichler, post & beam) and the walls will be the lightest of all light warm-ish greys. I haven't picked out anything else, but I feel good about these picks so far. What do you think??

links: cb2 chair, target duvet, urban outfitters rug, urban outfitters shams, cb2 throw

Landscaping is a go!

And we're off! Let the landscaping planning party begin! Last night we did some final measurements of our property for the landscape plans. Luckily we're working with the greatest landscape designer around- MY MOM!! I know, I'm super lucky to have a rad mom who's speciality is rockin' out some sweet landscaping! We're looking to have a nice, clean, modern landscape look and I can't wait to see what unfolds. 

While we measured I spotted another fruit tree! I'm seriously amazed at all of the fruit trees we have! And it seems like I discover a new one every week! Remember when I discovered that our "non fruit-bearing apricot tree" actually has fruit!? Last night I discovered that we have a persimmon tree, too! That bring our collection to the following: concord grapes, lemon, orange, peach, apricot, kumquat, and now persimmon! Plus we get apples and figs that generously grow over from our neighbors' fence! JACKPOT. And Fruit Party details coming in a few months ;)

We have a few key things we really want in our backyard. We're super lucky to live in the Bay Area of Northern California and can spend a lot of time outside! Here's our list of must-haves:

•Outdoor Kitchen

•Dining Area

•Kid Play Structure (my slick husband is going to build something similar to the one in the photo below)

•Shallow Water Space

•Daybed/Lounge Area

•Fire Pit

•Veggies in Containers (my slick husband doesn't know he's going to build something similar to the ones below)

I've been collecting pretty things on my Pinterest Outside board for a few months, but it's time to get serious. Here are my top have inspiration photos. 

What's the favorite part of your outside space?

links to sources (did the best I could)

top photo: Play Structure and Modern Landscape

middle photo: Modern Landscape, Deck (warning: tumblr rabbit hole), and Chevron Planter Boxes

bottom photo: Toe-Dippin' Water and Splash Pad