Getting our tree

The advent calendar on Saturday said it was time to get our tree! So we headed out to Patchen Farm in the Los Gatos Mountains. It was a lovely day and we all had fun going up and down the hillside in search of the right tree. 

After trimming the tree, we went to a birthday party! What a great weekend!

Library Party Invitations

Two quick pics: library party invitations and the thank you cards. I used vintage library-themed postage stamps, a typewriter, and old card catalog cards. If you missed my earlier post on my son's 4th birthday, you can catch up right HERE


Library Party!

Our sweet boy turned 4 today and we had a little party yesterday at the Woodside Library. It's literally the best story time I've been to. Mike & Angaline sing the stories! Mike plays banjo, ukulele, guitar, and other occasional gems like keyboard. It's 30 minutes of sheer joy- for the kids, too ;) 

Usually when we go to storytime, we have a picnic lunch in the garden behind the library. That would have been nearly impossible in the pouring rain we expierenced yesterday, so we schlepped over to Buck's Restaurant, about a block away. We dined on lunch & Dynamo Donuts and celebrated the coolest 4 year old in all the land. 

We are endlessly blessed to have the sweetest boy. He's funny, loves to sing, and is alarmingly well-behaved. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- he's a dream come true :)

I made little library-themed invitations with card catalog cards and an old typewriter (a Corona typewriter from 1912!!) I'm a stamp nerd so bought too many library-themed stamps for the envelopes. I'll use them for the thank you cards as well. 

We only invited 2 friends (and their 2 siblings) because of the quiet and small location. I feel awful for not being able to invite all our friends (next year!), but we really wanted the storytime & garden party (rained out) so it had to be small. But because of the small group, I was able to splurge on favors- BOOKS! Amos & Boris for the friends (because it's a wonderful story about friendship) and Sisters & Brothers for the sibs. I used card catalog cards & the typewriter for the inside of the book (it simply says, "thank you!") and one for the tag on the front on the gift. 

Our family (with Uncle Alan making an appearance in the background). Thanks, Farah, for taking our photo :)

Our little birthday crew. Next year we'll invite all our pals since our house will be DONE (and landscaping, too). We love you, pals, and I'm sorry we couldn't have everyone join us yesterday! Thanks to Melissa for taking our picture. 

My son and I made the rainy trek to SF early in the morn before the party for fresh donuts. Best donuts ever. Thank you Dynamo Donuts for your Maple Bacon, Chocolate Rose, Lemon Thyme, and Vanilla Bean donuts. We love you :)

A new plane from Papa and a new book from us (Out of Sight). 


His birthday party was Wednesday, but today (Thursday) is his actual birthday. We gave him the book on Wednesday and saved his main gift for today. Chris and my dad (Papa) stayed up late putting together this sweet Lego train with wireless remote. We also filled his room floor with red ballons. Our son was up before the sun and played quietly for a few minutes until we came in for hugs and a new-train how-to lesson. 

Don't you love the jammies and the bedhead?


And then we played all day. Happy Birthday, sweetie. We love you tons. 

I wish this post were sponsored by Lego, but it's not. But - Lego can call me anytime and we'll talk ;)

If you really want to see more photos, you can check out our Flickr set. This is mostly for the grandparents who couldn't make it to the party. 

Bug Party

Last weekend we went to our pals' birthday party in Golden Gate Park. It was a double party for our friends' 4 & 2 year old kids. It was so fun with bouncy castles, yummy food from Bi-Rite, and homemade cupcakes with butterflies on top! Here are a few pictures from the party! And they sent us home with the cutest Kiwi Crate boxes (we made wings!!)