JetKat Photo Workshop

I am so excited to announce my new workshop! It will be February 21, 2015 from 2-5PM at Stable Café in San Francisco. I will be offering a more in-depth look at photographing your kids so that you can begin taking photos you'll treasure forever!

Spend the afternoon with me and you’ll learn how to take your camera off the automatic setting. We’ll cover lighting, composition, and getting those photos off your camera. There will be snacks, inspiration, a goodie bag (yes!), giveaways (!!!), different lenses for you to try (OMG), and photo cheat sheets! After the lesson, we'll invite your family to join us so that you can practice your new skillz! We will have something set up for the kids to do which will allow you to photograph them while they're engaged in the activity! It's going to be so awesome!

You’ll benefit from a small workshop (Class size is limited to 12) and an experienced teacher. I’ve been a professional photographer for more than 20 years- I started young ;) and I’ve been teaching photography to both kids and adults for more than 10 years. I will also have an assistant at the workshop who can help answer questions.

When we’re done, you’ll leave with a new understanding of your digital camera and will have the skills and confidence to start taking true creative control over your photographs.

Sign up here :) Can't wait to see you! 

Our Lifestyle Video

Awhile back Beth Skogen came out and made a video of our little family and we couldn't be happier. I seriously love everything about it- the details, the laughs, the wind blowing in our babe's hair. It's downright magical and I'm so happy she came! What do you think about a lifestyle video compared to family photos? We haven't had family pics in 4 1/2 years (Melissa Pepin did a wonderful job- check out those pics HERE) Be sure to watch until the very end- after the credits- for a little fun surprise. 


First Birthday: a Spring lunch

A big hooray for the best birthday boy who turned 1 last week. I can't even believe he is 1. We can't imagine life without him. He's so snuggly and easy-going. He's happiest outside. He loves his brother and family to bits and pieces and we all feel the same way about him. Good growin' young man. Happy first.

To celebrate, we had a little birthday lunch and invited my parents and my brother. It was very sweet & simple. I made pasta with pesto and grilled goat cheese sandwiches over fresh spinach (my two favorites). My step dad brought homemade hummus and guacamole and I made a pumpkin pie for dessert.

My older son did all of the stationery... The invitations are on bookboard leftover from a wedding I worked on years ago. My son wrote the baby's name on all the invites. He also made one for "Blast Off," the baby's unofficial nickname (it's what our older son wanted to name the baby). He also made place cards using washi tape on the wood animal puzzle by petit collage, and a pie banner (made from washi tape and toothpicks). It was so fun to have his help and he felt like such a big kid being included. 

I didn't have time to do much beforehand, but my family was happy to help with moving furniture outside and hanging my string of balloons. They even waited patiently while I snapped a few photos. 

Cute party hats by Oh Joy! for Target

I was able to take one photo before we ate. And the baby is showing off how he skillfully climbs right out of his high chair.

Crown on the climber is by tin cup.

a few new gifts... this is a great wooden race track from my dad.