Our Boy Turns 2

Yay! I'm finally getting around to posting photos from our son's 2nd birthday party! We had a few close friends and our family over to sing 'Happy Birthday' to our sweet boy. And you know what, next year I'm going to hire a photographer! It's so hard to be Mom, Hostess, and Photographer!! 

I made little chalk coloring books for the toddler guests and wrapped them up with ribbon. Inside is a 4 page accordion book! I used books that I had leftover from the Campbell-Henley wedding programs! The white 'pom pom flowers' are from Vida (you can only see one in the first photo, but we had about 6 hanging from the beams). Thanks, Vida!!

The last photo shows a happy, worn out, shirtless tot playing with the day's presents. A few faves include new animals from the Schleich company, Lincoln Logs, and Automoblox.