Oh, Athens, I miss you

Maybe it's because I left before I had the baby, but things were easier when I lived in Athens (Georgia). It's a small town, I know, and things are easier in a small town and without a baby (obviously). But somehow this feels different. Probably because I was in Athens for more than 12 years -it's home and will probably always be home. It's been just over a year since I left Athens and I sure miss it a lot...

To-do lists were completed in time to have a beer at Flicker before the day was done. And even though the summers are hot, sticky, sweaty, and wildly uncomfortable, everyone still goes out, making the most of the summer before the rascally students come back and trashing and trafficking the town.

A few key people, places, and other generalities I miss most:
Amanda & Bain
The National Restaurant
friendly & familiar faces everywhere
cheap beer and rent
easy college days and the early days of romance
wide porches and flat streets
To keep up with the loal haps, I listen to WUGA, read the Flagpole, and regularly tune in to the Athens-Clarke County police radio scanner.

Don't get all sad and feel sorry for us; my next blog post will be about how lovely San Francisco has been.

Photos: top, Amanda & Jeremy as Liz's backup band at the Melting Point

middle: Amanda, Rizzie, babes & me at Clocked

bottom: special brunch menu at The National Restaurant